…You were WILD once…
Reclaim and ReWild your True Nature
Find your dance, your song, your light,
your love, your passion
..your magic..
Transformational Spiritual Coaching and Mentorship
Intuitive Guidance and Immersive, Loving Support
~Three and Six Month Immersions~
~Initial 3.5 hour Intention/Visioning session (in person or zoom)
~Private 90minute Energetic Medicine Alignment sessions twice a month (in person or zoom)
~Unlimited loving support and guidance via text and WhatsApp (within reason and office hours)
(**optional addition of: Psilocybin Microdosing Guidance and Psychedelic Therapy Integration)
An evolutionary journey along the path of Spirit, Nature, Love and Healing.
This Dynamic ReWilding immersion is for you if:
You have tried everything else…
You have done “the work,”
sat in therapy, sat in ceremony, sat in stillness,
surrendered at the altar of darkness,
tried to fix, solve, and heal.
Yet still you are unsatisfied,
seeking connection, the spark,
the path forward, the missing piece,
and trying to find your joy…
(where did it go? and how long has it been gone?)
~ReWilding is not for everyone~
Dynamic ReWilding is for YOU if you are:
Ready to renounce that which is not True
Ready to commit and vow to your Heart, Soul and deepest longings (like really truly commit!)
Ready to merge with Divine Consciousness and Co-Create with Universal Life Force Enegy
Ready to Pray, Honor and Bless the sacredness of Earth and ALL of her creations
Ready to be in service to the Divine,
and Ready to sit in loving devotion to your own brilliant Heart.
if this at all speaks to you, reach out to me
Sessions are held within deep states presence, allowing for unique personalized experiences
potentially consisting of:
~Intuitive Empathic Mediumship
~Vibrational Medicine
~Co-Creation with subtle energies and the outer realms
~Shamanic Meditations and Journey Work
~Guided Breathwork
~Kundalini Kriya Yoga
~East Asian Medicine
~Herbal Plant Medicine
~Nutritional and Dietary Support
This extraordinary, trans-dimensional work is facilitated
within the quantum realm of time;
merging past, present and future states of being.
The transformation is miraculous,
life altering
and revolutionary.
At some point you have to stop digging
and disengage from the addiction to process work.
Let the nervous system rest,
Stop reliving the past.
Instead move ONWARD
Expand Out
Choose another way
Tell a different story
Life doesn't have to be hard, the path doesn't need to be difficult.
Soften into the dream that is dreaming you,
Remembering WHO YOU ARE.
You are here to love and to be loved,
and to create with your unique passion and brilliance,
Find the Grace,
the ease,
the Joy.
and Yes, the Gratitude for all that is
Love the NEW you
Dynamic Rewilding
is both an evolutionary journey and an ecstatic leap into your most sensual wild self.
This is the fierce work of the Divine Warrior.